Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thanks for the great time!

This class helped me a lot to develop my way of thinking and arguing. I learned to view issues from different perspectives and that most issues are more complex and do not offer one easy solution. We discussed a lot of topics that really matter in the world and I learned so much about Memphis, Tennessee, the United States but also about the entire world history and especially politics. We did not talk about superficial topics and that made this class so interesting. Furthermore, I developed my speaking and oral arguing skills in our group discussions. I love the way we sit in our class because this grouping makes discussions and stating opinions much easier. In fact, we had a lot of interesting and heated discussions about controversial topics. Even tough there were so many girls and some gay guys in the class I felt so comfortable to talk with you guys about everything and argue. The fact that we had to write so much is probably normal in a English class but I am still very happy that I do not have to write a blog a day until the rest of my days *smile*. I want to thank everybody in this class for the great time. I hope that I see you guys in my next semesters in other classes. It was really fun!!!


Sarah Marie Brock said...

I def agree with you! Before this class I always counted on the teacher to tell me what to write but this class it is all about you and what you think> At first it was a little weird but I got the hang of it! and I also like the way we sit in class and dicuss everything! Usually it's interesting and I can actually be involved in the topic then just sitting there not know ing what anyone is talking about!

Unknown said...

I love how Wendy is here to guide us in our learning, not just sitting there and lecturing. This class had such a laid back structure and I think that is why we all got so comfortable. It was fun being in the class with you, Michael! You said some of the funniest stuff.