Thursday, April 3, 2008

The big "Race" discussion

Homework Continued…
Later on, Ralph Waldo Emerson used the phrase “shot heard ‘round the world” in his poems to refer to the American Revolutionary War. Since that time, the term was used to describe dramatic moments in history (such as in Thompson’s case to the Korean War).
What did cause you to write about this historic moment in baseball history?
Why did you describe the game and especially the hit by Thompson so detailed?
What makes this happening still so important even today, in your view?

Christine Kenneally:
Nonfiction is a genre in literature which was establish in the form of a novel by Truman Capote’s “In Cold Blood” in 1965. This genre represents real events and these events are connected with techniques used in fiction. Capote said that nonfiction should not include any first-person narrations. Other authors such as Hunter S. Thompson, Norman Mailer and Tom Wolfe followed Capote’s example.

Was it always easy for you to write about such a heavy topic?
Why did you start writing about this topic? Why did you pick this topic for an essay?
How emotionally have you been involved in this story?

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