Monday, March 10, 2008

The Church Health Center

During my research about my second part of the big paper I read an article about the Church Health Center in Memphis. The article was posted on our class site and it seemed to be really interesting and relevant for my topic. The Church Health Center was founded by Dr. Scott Morris and is supported by several churches. At the moment, they have 30,000 patients a year which just have to pay $ 10 and they will get treatment. This institution is a walk in clinic which people that is less fortunate, who cannot afford private health care or cannot afford full health care use. The organization which was founded 10 years ago is created for people who are less fortunate because it is open 70 hours a week so even people who work very long are able to get treatment. From my point of view, this organization is an amazing idea which should be applied on the entire American health care system. I am a realist so I know that it is not possible to run a health care system on a fund but the general idea that people who are better off pay more than the people who are less fortunate so everybody is able to get the same treatment is really good. This system works in other countries. The health care system is paid with the taxes and the people who are wealthier pay more than people who have less money. So everybody is able to get health care which should be the goal.

1 comment:

courtney said...

Yeah this system really seems like a great idea. Where is this health center. I am really interested to here how Germany's health care works. I am actually just interested to hear and understand how anyone but ours works! Hopefully ours will come around soon.